Morning cardio!!


Super sore from that leg workout!! It’s Monday morning and I have a busy day planned so I’m about to hit the treadmill and do some fasted cardio!

There are a lot of places that say fasted cardio is bad for you or has no benefit etc. I actually believe that it is beneficial because you are going directly into cardio mode. Whereas if you wait to do cardio after a day full of meals, you would start burning fat at the 30 minute mark….SO who wants to do cardio for an HOUR?!


So my morning cardio usually consists of running/jogging, the stair master, or sometimes the elliptical but I’m not a fan of that machine.

Then I come home and have an amazingggg chocolate protein shake that keeps me full for at least 4 hours! I love all the Qivana products and can’t imagine how I worked out without them this whole time!

I may go back later and do a back workout but I will see where the day takes me!

Make it a great Monday!!!

Saturday Evening at the Bar


Even though its St. Patrick’s Day weekend and the “typical” 23 year old is out at parades getting WASTED, I am preparing to head out to the gym!  As I sit here waiting for my pre-workout meal (lunch) to heat up, I am remembering the times where all I wanted to do was go out and party.  I would go out and drink for all the wrong reasons.  Now, I make it a priority of mine to go to the gym, or do something active, for at least one hour each day, and fuel my body with the proper nutrition! Being active has always been a huge part of my life and I could never imagine giving that up!

I wanted to create a place where I could keep track of my workouts and what I am putting inside my body!  My goal for 2014 is to become a better me, inside and out, mentally and physically!  I am making a vow to cut down on eating unhealthy foods when I eat out at restaurants (I LOVE FOOD and eating out is where I eat most of the things I would not ordinarily eat at home) and drinking alcohol.  Alcohol messes up my entire day of eating healthy and working out.  Of course, I will enjoy myself in moderation and occasionally in social situations.  However, I am officially giving up the days where I would drink and take shots and then DRIVE home or have someone else that had an equal amount of alcohol as myself DRIVE us home.  NO MORE OF THAT ISH.


Many people are asking me recently to give them workouts, help them workout in the gym, etc. So I decided to make a blog where I could also keep track for my own personal reasons and to help those who may have questions or not sure what exactly to do in the gym!

Today’s workout:


this can be modified to any fitness level****

I always stretch before every leg day because I have hip issues and need to make sure I do not injure myself or inhibit my range of motion!

Warm up: (no weights used)

Jumping Lunges x 10

Jumping Squats x 10

Walking Lunges x 20 (each step counts as 1)



(not including the weight that I used because what I use may not be what others need to use!)

(Increase weight as the number of reps goes DOWN!)

Smith Machine: Regular stance squats x 12, 10, 8, 6

Super-set with:

Dumb bell straight legged dead lifts x 10

Smith Machine: Close stance squats x 12, 10, 8, 6

Dumb bell step up (on bench) with back lunge x 12 (3 sets)

Leg Press x 12, 10, 8, 6 (3 sets)

Leg Extension x 12, 10, 8, 6 (3 sets)

Walking Lunges with barbell until failure x 2

Jumping Squats with barbell until failure x 2


(Yes I do cardio, even on leg day!)

Stair master:


30 second sprint (I’m usually running up the stairs at this point), 1 minute climb for 20 minutes!

ENJOY! : )